I think the gravity of this event just hit me a moment ago…oh my. We are so lucky to live where we do; we face our share of natural and man-made disasters, but thinking of Haiti and the inability financially to recover from an event of this magnitude with any sort of timeliness…the very thought is heart-rending and overwhelming. What can we do here in snowy central Iowa? Send money, sure; mourn and grieve with them, certainly. Prayer – that is the key. Sounds churchy, but having experienced what I have in last year of my life, this is the truest and strongest thing we have to offer. So, friends, plead with God on their behalf. Let the pictures break your heart; let them shake us from our sub-urban slumber and bring us to our knees for the sake of those who are in such dire circumstances that they cannot fathom where to begin. And be thankful for the life and love and blessings we have; use them to bless those around you and half a world away.
From Pastor John: Please keep the people of Haiti in your prayers as the day dawns on their destroyed capital. The death toll and destruction seem to be unbelievable. But we know that God has a perfect plan and will bring something good out of this calamity. Jesus says, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world." So we ask Jesus to overcome the heartache that is Haiti and to be glorified in the midst of their pain. As we pray, you can also check former Zion pastor Jim Glynn's "Heart of God Ministries" page. I'm sure there will be an update soon. You can also donate via the American Red Cross International Response Fund. See those links below.
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