06 January 2010

He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.

This verse from Colossians has provided me with so much to consider through the years.  I find myself praying this verse in times of trouble, leaning on it when everything around me seems out of control, and hearing it reverberate around my head when something happens that seems entirely too conincidental to be an accident.  It is amazing to consider how each moment of the day -- from our first thoughts, to the conversations throughout, interactions, choices, and finally the last though before sleep takes over -- each moment is part of our tapestry, woven into the fabric of who we are.  And beyond this, God is -- before each moment, holding them together, kinda like Holy Glue.  He is the stitching that knits our moments together and constructs something amazing and beautiful out of our wanderings. 

I hope you can find time to see Him before all things, holding your things together.  I pray you'll be blessed by a moment that catches you off-guard, a moment in which Jesus reveals just a bit more of Himself and His workings to you.  May you find peace in the midst of all this, too.

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