A Great Awakening.
So I've been a little sporadic in my writing of late...lots in my head swimming about in a rush of due dates for school, Greek nouns and endings and gobbledygook, Church History trivia, kids schedules, various work-related things to keep straight and put out on time (which has at moments been an EPIC FAIL)...some things in the past few days that have been pretty profound.
I ran a race as part of the Drake Relays on Saturday; I had been having some issues with my knees and was really doubting whether or not I'd be able to participate. My thoughts going in were that I'd walk if need be, I would finish somehow, and that I'd leave it up to Jesus to lend some help along the way. My prayer at the outset was, from Colossians, that He be before all things and that He keep me knit together. Those words echoed through my head and low and behold, He was good to keep His promise. Pretty cool to run and have that be the motivation and inspiration.
At school this week for language fun. I realized on the way that I've not spent much time reading and such for my own soul's benefit; by the time I get the chance, I am too tired or too mentally spent to engage something that requires focused attention. I have always been one who really pushes others to be in the Bible, reading good stuff, praying, connecting. Realized yesterday that there is a glaring issue in me giving this advice, especially considering I often spoke in the past about the fact that I have no business doing this job unless I am putting the edification and preparation of my soul first. Time to swallow that bitter pill and get back on the horse. Today it was Jesus feeding the 5000 in John; the word was, "Do you really believe I am capable?" Based on what I've seen and heard of late, He is capable of so much more than I can even comprehend. So, back on the trail through the trees to the ridgelines above...
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