28 July 2010

Short and sweet today.  From an article in the NY Times this morning about the disipation of the oil slick in the Gulf that appears to be disappearing more rapidly than expected:

"The winds from two storms that blew through the gulf in recent weeks, including a storm over the weekend that disintegrated before making landfall, also appear to have contributed to a rapid dispersion of the oil."

I do not understand the power of a hurricane, or the anxiety it must bring to know a storm of that magnitude is brewing out over the ocean.  Watching the news leading up to these events, you could tell there was a 'What more can happen to us?' feel about the Gulf coast.  This quote makes me wonder -- could it be that the Almighty had a plan for this mess?  Did the storm degrade at the right time so that those winds would be helpful rather than harmful?  This is all speculation, of course; but where do you shake out on this?  Is it possible that He works on occasion in this manner?


Anonymous said...

No, I do not think that God a puppet master or that God would do anything to destroy creation. The BP debacle would not have happened if citizens had demanded that their Congressional representations protect God's creation and said "no" to off-shore drilling. This country's lust for oil and greed caused the spill, not God.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the author was saying God caused the oil spill. He was wondering if God may have used the storm to help clean it up. God doesn't cause our problems, but he can help us out of them.