23 February 2010

Reading a tremendous book by Eugene Petersen called "Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places" of late.  He writes beautifully, and his love of the created world speaks deeply to my heart as he describes the richness, beauty, and intensity of God's presence in the things He has made.  Indeed, Christ 'plays' -- is active, evident, breathing, screaming out to us -- in all things around us.  The section I read today spoke of rhythm -- the rhythm of creation, the way we are surrounded by rhythm and how even our own bodies participate in the rhythms of the created order.  Pretty heavy...the scripture he was writing about was Genesis 1 -- the first of the two creation accounts in Genesis.  Detailed there are the days, and the things that God made in each.  The crown, the pinnacle of that process, was us!  Humankind, man and woman...created to be, love, think, move, and engage in the rhythms of the created world.  A light went on for me concerning something I've been thinking about...

The Olympics!  I tried to express this to Kari last week, but failed sort of.  I am captivated by watching these events -- the athletes in each are the epitome of excellence -- to get there and compete, one must train mercilessly, master their bodies and their craft in such a way that they become among the best in the world.  Watching these people compete, I am captivated by their motions.  Shaun White -- there is something different there.  He flies, literally; there is a floating element in the way he moves on the snowboard that is heads above everyone else.  Linsey Vonn -- same thing.  Watching her ski, there is something different...go on down the line.  There is a beauty, a grace, something that has been instilled in each of them that is wholly other, something that cannot be accounted for outside of the creation working of the Almighty.

Truth is, it is in each of us.  We are created in the image of Divinity -- to reflect this to the world around us.  For some it is movement on the ski hill, or halfpipe, or track...for some it is serving coffee and listening...for some it is shovelling sidewalks and mopping floors.  We are all given the stamp of being created; our role is to participate in the rhythms and reflect this glory for all to see. 

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