15 December 2009

So interesting to me to consider the shepherds in the story; history tells us they were untouchable, the ones hired to do the work but banned from the temple and worshipping with the masses. They lived in the fields with the sheep, sleeping on the ground, searching for the lost ones, caring for the injured, protecting them from the wild beasties that sought to eat tasty sheep in the night. They get such a bad rap, for doing a job that was kinda noble if you consider it. Add to that the fact that Jesus used shepherd imagery when He spoke of His calling and mission -- John 10:11 -- I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. And He did. I think if I had to choose, the shepherds are pretty high up on my list of people in the story...

1 comment:

ROD said...

good thoughts!